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  • Durable
    The use of high-quality pins and bushings minimises wear and tear.
  • Protection
    The cylinders are placed behind the body for optimal protection.
  • Price
    The lower price makes it an excellent alternative to a tilting piece.

Mini-tilting bucket

Available for machinery from approx. 2 tonnes up to 9 tonnes, the tilting bucket is perfect for making embankments or other infrastructural works.
The mini-tilting bucket is available as the M1 mini ditch cleaning bucket and M2 mini ditch cleaning bucket with tilting feature. 


  • Wear strips  
  • Side protection 
  • Cutting edges/blades  

The mini-tilting bucket is made of high-grade structural steel (S355) and an HB500 grade blade. The suspension is made of Hardox® 

View our product range here used mini-tilting bucket and new mini-tilting bucket

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Various models

The mini-tilting bucket is available in different sizes.

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Standaard dimensions (b = bin opening, d = depth, h = height)
content in liters