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Sterke Eigenschappen

  • Developed for and by railway companies
    Even with a filled water tank, the operational weight of the auger is only 1,550 kg, making it suitable for machines from 14 tonnes upwards.
  • Low design
    A standard 1.5-metre rubber suction hose is included, fitted with knurled edge at bottom. Other length or material is certainly possible.
  • Flexibility
    The soil vacuum is easy to connect to the machine, no electrical connection required.

soil suction unit

Soil suction unit, How it works
The soil suction unit uses airflow to suck up the material. A movable suction hose – both hammering and rotating – carries the material with the airflow to the reservoir. Once in the reservoir, the material sinks to the bottom due to gravity. The airflow continues through the sieve, which is at the top of the reservoir. The airflow continues through the impeller and the impeller housing, where it continues its way out. The exhaust has a coarse filter, with a fine filter installed around this 

Sprinkler installation soil suction unit
A sprinkler installation is provided for dry materials. Water is added to the nozzle in fine droplets to ensure that it is well mixed in the airflow. By spraying the soil with water, considerable dust reduction is achieved. The volume of airflow is pulled through a centrifugal fan. A hydraulic motor drives the centrifugal fan. 

Control soil suction unit

  • 1x Standard hammer circuit (single acting) up to 115 litres maximum at 300 bar. For operating the ventilator + up and down movement of the squeegee + optional rotation of the squeegee. This is possible by changing the ball valves on the suction box itself.
  • 1x Rotation circuit (double acting) à 20-30 litres at maximum 180 bar.
  • Standard equipped with high pressure water system (250 bar).
  • The top of the container is fitted with a flat plate with HM1000 hole pattern. Because of its construction, the soil dredger can easily be used in places with little space, for example under a tree that needs to be moved, or in a tunnel.
  • Optionally, a rotating suction nozzle is available.

View our product range here used soil suction unit and new soil suction unit

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The soil suction unit is available in one size.

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